Coach’s Note: The Playing Field Has Changed

It’s impossible to accurately predict how much longer our gyms, restaurants, and favorite activity spots will remain shut down. Lucky for us, though, we don’t need to see the future to know what we need to do right now.

This is going to look different for each of us this month, but the duration and intensity of this pandemic should have at least taught us one thing as we head into August: if you haven’t already, it’s time to change up your fitness strategy from short-term survival to long-term success.

Up until this point I’ve largely put my own fitness goals on maintenance while I’ve been “riding the wave” and “rolling with the punches” for the past few months. Maybe you’re in the same boat. Now, however, I believe it’s time to get serious about investing in the long run for the sake of your health and your fitness goals.

Whether that means buying more or better workout equipment for your home, writing out your updated goals list, or looking for alternative physical activity options, I would encourage you this month to start putting together a game plan. It might be a bit messy at first as you plan it all out (much less as you actually start implementing it all!), but that’s totally ok. We’re in this together, and we can handle the messes we make. This is a great time to get messy, and a great time to start exploring and experimenting!

Enjoy the adventure that August is bound to bring!

– Coach J